3D Bin Packing Problem solved To Optimize UPS Shipments
About Bin Packing Problem:
Bin Packing Algorithm can be used to solve the bin packing problem. In addition, this can be used to get a Box Packing solution. So, the space available in larger box can be optimally utilized. It has its applications to pack multiple items purchased from an ecommerce site to minimize shipping cost.
Problem Statement:
One of our clients was facing lower sales from their e-commerce website. This was due to high shipping cost arising out of sub optimal packing which led to higher shipping charges. They wanted an optimized package selection for their e-commerce website. The customers on this website can purchase one or more items. Based on dimensions of all purchased items and their weights, the program should select the most optimized box. The selected box should have the lowest shipping cost. The program may select multiple boxes if one box does not fit all to optimize the total cost for end users.

Solution Description:
We, at Silfra Technologies, implemented a box packing algorithm by referring to the bin packing problem. Hence, we could utilize maximum surface area and volume followed by weight in order to find the most optimized set of package to be selected.

The requirement of the client was fulfilled using the solution of bin packing problem. Consequently, the client was able to provide his customers with cheaper but delayed shipping by clustering shipments together. In this process, the customers saved a considerable amount of shipping cost. The client also minimized a fair amount of shipping charges. The shipments were heavy and shipping cost was significant. Therefore, many customers liked the fact that this site offered a competitive shipping. This increased the orders. Hence, there was an increase in sales. As a result, both the client and the customers were completely satisfied.
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